Tess of the D'Urbervilles

3, Angel's and Tess's guilty secrets were the same.(Agree or Disagree with this statement ? Explain Why)

1,The parson was right to tell John Durbeyfield about his connection with the d'ubervilles. (Agree or Disagree with this statement ? Explain Why)

2, Tess could have prevented Alec from seducing her.(Agree or Disagree with this statement ? Explain Why)

3, Angel's and Tess's guilty secrets were the same.(Agree or Disagree with this statement ? Explain Why)

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Their secrets were not the same! Angel cheated on Tess because he could not keep his pants on. Tess was raped because she reluctantly accepted a ride home from a super creep named Alec. Come now, the two are completely different!